About Us
The mission of Patriotic Millionaires UK is to leverage the voice of wealth to build a more just, stable, and inclusive economy and to accelerate the end of extreme wealth.
Our shared vision is a just and inclusive society - in the UK and beyond. This can only be achieved by addressing the destabilising levels of economic and political inequality; challenging the concentration of wealth and power, nationwide and around the world. We are proud when our tax contribution increases - it is a great investment in our shared interests. We do not have a wealth problem – we have a distribution problem.
To tackle the crisis of extreme wealth we promote and advocate for action on three pillars of the political economy:
Wealth must pay fair and taxes must be progressive. Revenue raised from millionaires, billionaires, and corporations should make up a significantly larger proportion of tax receipts.
Work should be fairly rewarded. Every person contributing to the paid and unpaid economy should be able to afford their basic needs. Our economic system should benefit all stakeholders and the balance of reward should lean towards work rather than wealth.
Wealth should not buy or corrupt politics. Trust in democracy is dependent on us removing the undue influence of wealth. Every citizen, irrespective of class, gender, ability, race, or ethnicity, should enjoy political power equal to that enjoyed by millionaires.

“We are the canary in the coalmine of a broken system. Our unique role is to publicly utilise the voice of wealth to raise the profile of this agenda.”
— JAMES PERRY, Patriotic Millionaires UK Member
Our unique contribution is to use the voice of millionaires to publicly advocate for the end of extreme wealth - calling time on the economic chasm created by growing inequality. We do this because the extreme wealth created by our current economic system is destructive, ineffective, and is eroding trust in democracy. We act as an establishment voice with a radical message, working with allies to support others campaigning for economic change.