Our Work
We focus on three key levers of influence - communicating our mission to the media, directly engaging those with influence, and working closely with allies to get the most ambitious change possible.
Since we started our UK work in 2021 we have built a formidable communications machine campaigning for a better economy. Our spokespeople have helped generate thousands of media stories worldwide, established PMUK as a go-to organisation for comment, and secured leading documentaries.
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Our work with partners and political representatives has led to multiple parliamentary events and helped to establish a network of parliamentarians engaged in the issue of extreme wealth and taxation. Our commitment is to build as much political support, across the political spectrum, for our mission on taxing wealth and ending extreme wealth.
Read our policy recommendations >
Read thelatest poll on the UK’s attitudes to extreme wealth and taxation >
We would have no impact without working hand in hand with incredible allies. We work hard to make sure we are learning from others and supporting their initiatives whenever possible. Organisations and individuals like Tax Justice UK, Economic Change Unit, Good Ancestor Movement, and Arun Advani are at the heart of our work.
Extreme wealth is a critical yet overlooked driver of severe and growing national and international inequality, yet the metrics and tools to adequately address the issue are lacking. This is the premise upon which the Extreme Wealth Line initiative is founded.
This project builds on work by leading economists and inequality experts, and now looks to further the agenda from a cross-cutting, coordinated, international position.
The concept of an Extreme Wealth Line (EWL) aims to establish the point at which too much wealth concentrated in too few hands has direct negative effects on the likes of democracy, society, the economy and the environment.
An EWL would be positioned as an equivalent tool to the poverty line, enabling political action to address extreme wealth and reframe the conversation on inequality for a fairer economic system.