On the announcement of a general election being called, Guy Singh-Watson, founder of Riverford Organic Foods, UK entrepreneur, and member of Patriotic Millionaires UK said:

“As we face this election it is worth remembering that we are one of the richest countries in the world and yet for far too long our country has been starved of investment. Whether it’s our crumbling schools, our crippled NHS, our overcrowded prisons, or local councils denied funds they need to deliver good local services - the whole country deserves so much better. Whoever comes to power needs to turn this around quickly. Patriotic millionaires believe we, the very richest, must be taxed more to invest in our country. A huge majority of the public supports this, as do millionaires. Every politician and prospective parliamentary candidate needs to listen to the groundswell of opinion and consider now as your chance to deliver. For the good of Great Britain, tax us, the super rich - it’s the patriotic thing to do”

Guy Singh-Watson, founder of Riverford Organic Foods, UK entrepreneur, and member of Patriotic Millionaires UK


Ten tax reforms to raise £60 billion for public services and a fairer economy 


The wealth of the 200 richest families has surged from £42 billion to £711 billion since 1989, while public wealth has plummeted from £337 billion to minus £1 trillion.